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Cyberpunk 2077

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Zack Fair


Welcome to the year 2077. More info:

The teaser shows how the Psycho Squad might acquire a new member.

The Psycho Squad specializes in combating "psychos" -- individuals who overuse implants and substances that boost or otherwise alter the human body.

There comes a point when they overdose on these innovations, and their bodies start to rebel against their biological body parts as well as all things organic around them. Simply put, they start killing people, who they now derisively call "meatbags."

When a psycho goes on the rampage, strange things can happen. There's carnage, and the psycho might be taken down by regular police, but they're not always able to get the job done.

When things spin out of control, they call in MAX-TAC (Maximum Force Tactical Division), popularly called the Psycho Squad.


For a second I thought this was some remake of the old Amiga game.

Thankfully it isn't. Interesting trailer.

Made by the guys who made the Witcher? Damn, now I'm really interested.


Looks pretty cool.

And I always enjoy me some cyberpunk.

Will be following.

the ninjak

Still waiting for my Shadowrun reboots.


Originally posted by the ninjak
Still waiting for my Shadowrun reboots.

thumb up


2017? We've got quite the wait on this game.


Project Red likes to make you wait, but the wait imo has always been well worth it.


True. But I thought Cyberpunk was always going to be a late 2016/2017 game.

Also, the devs said this game was going to be even bigger than Witcher 3. That's all great to hear but I don't know if it means a better game. Witcher 3 was huge and it was fantastic but I don't always think bigger is necessarily better.


Yeah, bigger than Witcher 3 is actually pretty intimidating to hear. I've stopped playing near the end of W3 due to the sheer length.


Me too. I got through most quests on the mainland, or at least I checked every notice board. I also completed all quests that were shown to me.

But then I went to Skellig and basically just finished all the story missions and a few notice board quests.....


True bigger doesn't always necessarily mean better. But CPR does size pretty well. Witcher 3 was actually more enjoyable to me than Witcher 2, and the size of the map and all the extra stuff you could do(which of course increased the length and replay value) was a big part of that.

From what little they have revealed, a game of this scope would need a lot of space to move around to get the full effect I think.


Keep in mind the 2017 date isn't a release date, it's the date in which CD Project Red will begin discussing the game. The game probably won't be out until a bit later than that. I'm guessing late 2018


Yeah, you are right.

Considering Witcher 3 was repeatedly delayed, maybe CDR has learned to not show anything until release date is close by. Maybe we will see it at E3 that year and release in the winter. Fallout 4 is doing the same thing.

But I would agree. This feels like a Spring 2018 game.



Lol Ciri better be in 2077

Smasandian never know!

Adam Grimes

She will be the protagonist.


The offical twitter for this game posted a message saying "*beep*. Not a huge deal but worth mentioning since it's the first time they've tweeted since the trailer and it's been 5 years to the day. I'm guessing that means we'll get some info pretty soon.


It's been a couple of years since Witcher maybe??

I've just started a new playthrough recently of Witcher 3 on the Xbox One X. Man, 4k/HDR looks so ****ing good on it.

Probably going to mainline most of the game so I can start the two expansion packs. I will say, it's hard to play after just finishing Assassins Creed Origins. The movement in the game is far better.


All this time and still no gameplay, it definitely was a let down for me.

The world looks great, at least.


I would like to see this Dev make a Judge Dredd game.




Kinda disappointed that it's solely first-person, tbh.


Looks great. Gonna buy it day one. Probably would have even if they never showed any gameplay based solely on how much I like Witcher 3.

If you are unhappy that there is no third person option, best make your voice heard. I think it's probably early enough in the development cycle to where they could probably still add such an option if demand was loud enough.


Originally posted by BackFire
Looks great. Gonna buy it day one. Probably would have even if they never showed any gameplay based solely on how much I like Witcher 3.

If you are unhappy that there is no third person option, best make your voice heard. I think it's probably early enough in the development cycle to where they could probably still add such an option if demand was loud enough.

As much as I dislike fps in an open world, watching the video almost got me to not care. I need to see more before I know for sure.

Originally posted by NemeBro
Shut up

laughing out loud


Originally posted by NemeBro
Shut up



Originally posted by BackFire
Looks great. Gonna buy it day one. Probably would have even if they never showed any gameplay based solely on how much I like Witcher 3.

If you are unhappy that there is no third person option, best make your voice heard. I think it's probably early enough in the development cycle to where they could probably still add such an option if demand was loud enough.

I don't think they will. It seems a third person view would break the game and I think its' far in development for major gameplay elements to be changed.

They seem pretty damn eager to have the game in first person and from the gameplay, it's catering towards that.

Overall, the game looks impressive and it might be the best "world" ever created. It will most likely have a kick ass story and meaningful impressive side quests to boot. Also, they are killing it in the immersive factor. However, the combat looks OK so it will be interesting it can hold up.


Originally posted by Smasandian
I don't think they will. It seems a third person view would break the game and I think its' far in development for major gameplay elements to be changed.

They seem pretty damn eager to have the game in first person and from the gameplay, it's catering towards that.

Overall, the game looks impressive and it might be the best "world" ever created. It will most likely have a kick ass story and meaningful impressive side quests to boot. Also, they are killing it in the immersive factor. However, the combat looks OK so it will be interesting it can hold up.

Beautiful world, meh combat, or great combat and bare bones world. Always one or the other.

When we could have had both, if they were smart enough to work together. Can you imagine Platinum put their combat engine into AAA titles?


Originally posted by Smasandian
I don't think they will. It seems a third person view would break the game and I think its' far in development for major gameplay elements to be changed.

They seem pretty damn eager to have the game in first person and from the gameplay, it's catering towards that.

Overall, the game looks impressive and it might be the best "world" ever created. It will most likely have a kick ass story and meaningful impressive side quests to boot. Also, they are killing it in the immersive factor. However, the combat looks OK so it will be interesting it can hold up.

Sounds like Witcher 3, then. "Everything amazing except the gameplay, which is merely good." I'm fine with that. Those other things are usually more important.

You make good points about first person. I dunno how far along this game is or when the release date might be. If they don't have a built in third person camera, I bet modders will make one for the PC release.


Originally posted by BackFire
Those other things are usually more important. A literal casual. thumb down


The less gameplay the better, I say.


Why don't you just go full-on casual and have consensual sex with an attractive woman phag?


Let's not say things we can't take back.


Holy fuk, that looked good. I needed this after how disappointed I was in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. This is on another level. I hope there's a decent amount of stealth options and builds. I need me some infiltration, and I don't want to constantly go through shooting galleries every quest.


From a world building point of view, they ****ing nailed it.

But I will admit this does look similar to how the new Dues Ex titles play. I got major vibes from it, which isn't a bad thing.

Adam Grimes

Originally posted by Smasandian
I don't think they will. It seems a third person view would break the game and I think its' far in development for major gameplay elements to be changed.

They seem pretty damn eager to have the game in first person and from the gameplay, it's catering towards that.

Overall, the game looks impressive and it might be the best "world" ever created. It will most likely have a kick ass story and meaningful impressive side quests to boot. Also, they are killing it in the immersive factor. However, the combat looks OK so it will be interesting it can hold up. Pretty much like TW series.

Adam Grimes

Originally posted by cdtm
Beautiful world, meh combat, or great combat and bare bones world. Always one or the other.

When we could have had both, if they were smart enough to work together. Can you imagine Platinum put their combat engine into AAA titles? It's difficult because of how complex RPGs are by themselves but to add good enough animations that are a necessity for good combat and also keep it balanced? No developer is putting that much effort.

Just look at Nier Automata. Don't get me wrong, it's a lovely game but the hack&slash in it is shallow as shit.


Originally posted by Adam Grimes
It's difficult because of how complex RPGs are by themselves but to add good enough animations that are a necessity for good combat and also keep it balanced? No developer is putting that much effort.

Just look at Nier Automata. Don't get me wrong, it's a lovely game but the hack&slash in it is shallow as shit.

Yeah, same deal with Red Dead Redemption. Serviceable gameplay, but doesn't hold a candle to your Max Paynes or Vanquish..

I guess Dragon's Dogma/Dark Souls is the exception. You get a very pretty environment, and fantastic gameplay.


That's because Red Dead Redemption isn't trying to be like Max Payne Or Vanquish......bad comparison in general.

Adam Grimes

Originally posted by cdtm
Yeah, same deal with Red Dead Redemption. Serviceable gameplay, but doesn't hold a candle to your Max Paynes or Vanquish..

I guess Dragon's Dogma/Dark Souls is the exception. You get a very pretty environment, and fantastic gameplay. But even then, Dark Souls suffers from lack of exposition to really make it the middle ground example you're looking for

I used to think like Backfire but grew bored of always looking for the same thing in a video game. Now it's easier for me to appreciate both gameplay focused games as well as the narrative driven ones, even if fans of each like to flame the phuck out of each other for no reason.


Same here. I actually never minded the long Metal Gear cut scenes.

But I grew up on jrpg's during the Nintendo age, and those are all narrative driven (After the very early Final Fantasies/Dragon Warrior, at least)

Adam Grimes

Have you ever played the Dishonored series?


Looking forward to seeing more of this at E3. There's a box art/release date leak floating around the internet but it looks and sounds fake so we'll see.


Keanu Reeves is presenting Cyberpunk 2077 right now at E3. The release date is 4-16-2020.



Lol..the creator of Cyberpunk basically telling people to F' off over all the backlash, Basically telling him what he should be offended by.

Nemesis X

Originally posted by NemeBro
What backlash?

This one.


Not very widespread backlash. That criticism came from an editorial on RPS (not linking since I don't want to spread clicks). Mike Pondersmith, creator of the Cyberpunk tabletop game (he's also working on the video game with CDPR), gave bullet-point reply that called out the stupidity of the article. The Founder of RPS then backed up the idiot who wrote the article on twitter with a retarded retort that completely missed the point Pondersmith made.

Then Cyberpunk sold a fuk ton on steam in preorders to be the top selling game. The founder nearly shit himself:

I agree with the idea that you shouldn't preorder, but the reason he made CP2077 the centerpiece of that article is kind of transparent.


Originally posted by Nemesis X
This one.

SJW's strike again.


I wouldn't really call them SJW's....more so ignorant people.


I agree regarding release date....I highly doubt its coming out in April 2020. It's almost an entire year until the date and its a very complicated game....I say Aug 2020.....


Originally posted by Arachnid1
Not very widespread backlash. That criticism came from an editorial on RPS (not linking since I don't want to spread clicks). Mike Pondersmith, creator of the Cyberpunk tabletop game (he's also working on the video game with CDPR), gave bullet-point reply that called out the stupidity of the article. The Founder of RPS then backed up the idiot who wrote the article on twitter with a retarded retort that completely missed the point Pondersmith made.

Then Cyberpunk sold a fuk ton on steam in preorders to be the top selling game. The founder nearly shit himself:

I agree with the idea that you shouldn't preorder, but the reason he made CP2077 the centerpiece of that article is kind of transparent.

CDPR themselves said people should wait until they can see more footage and gameplay before they preorder, so he's literally mad at people for spending their own money on something they want.

Also CDPR have been working on this game for years, and I mean even before Witcher 3. They said almost nothing the entire time, so if they drop a release date, at E3 at that? It's coming out on that day.

I reeeeaaally hope he's a man of his word and eats his f*cking shorts on release day.


You really think there isn't a chance this release date gets pushed back?

And I don't understand how CDPR hasn't said anything. They have been talking about this game over the last year. They even showed 40ish minutes of gameplay last year.

The game could be out on that date but a highly doubt a huge game like this with many different systems and story elements will hit a date the first time. Witcher 3 was delayed numerous amounts of time.


Originally posted by Adam Grimes
Have you ever played the Dishonored series?

Missed this.

I have it on my 360, and played for about ten minutes. I have a problem with stealth based games, where I want to play it the "right" way, sneaking around without being seen like a ninja, and end up getting caught, go on a killing spree, and quit in shame.

The exception is MGS, where I just snap necks/slit throats, then run and hide if I trip an alarm.


Originally posted by Smasandian
You really think there isn't a chance this release date gets pushed back?

And I don't understand how CDPR hasn't said anything. They have been talking about this game over the last year. They even showed 40ish minutes of gameplay last year.

The game could be out on that date but a highly doubt a huge game like this with many different systems and story elements will hit a date the first time. Witcher 3 was delayed numerous amounts of time.

I'm pretty confident they wouldn't have announced it after nearly a decade of silence if they weren't ready to release it then.

And as I mentioned, almost the entire development time. They started showing stuff late 2018 and now in 2019. But that's a year or 2 from release. Before that there was almost nothing out there.


Game pushed back Sept 17th 2020.


I would be surprised if it doesn't get pushed back until Nov/Dec.

I wonder if one the reasons is because the new systems are out and they had a chance to include them in the release.

Nemesis X

Originally posted by Smasandian
Game pushed back Sept 17th 2020.

Why am I getting the feeling this is gonna be like waiting for Duke Nukem Forever all over again?


Originally posted by Nemesis X
Why am I getting the feeling this is gonna be like waiting for Duke Nukem Forever all over again?

Calm down, CD projekt red hasn't gone bankrupt.

Nemesis X

Originally posted by Kazenji
Calm down, CD projekt red hasn't gone bankrupt.

Well no I don't mean that or it's publisher's moral sense but I mean if the wait is gonna be just as long 'cause holy heck that delay's a big jump. Preparing for next gen consoles or not, that's some horse hockey.

Yes, I'm aware it's likely I'm exaggerating comparing this to Duke's developing cycle but goddang is that irritating.


It will disappoint. Just like Duke Nukem, the wait will in no way justify the gaming experience.


The situation with this game is nothing like Duke Nukem.


Its like a 5 month delay.

And pushing it to the holiday season. Doesn't seem strange at all...and isn't this the first delay?

Again....I find this funny. People complain when a game gets released with bugs...or when there is a large patch.....or less features...and then complain when it gets delayed. I don't get it.

This is a huge, supposedly intense experience with a branching storyline. And its an original IP too. Its not suprising this got delayed. I won't be suprised if it doesn't get delayed until 2021


Well I don't like to complain and it takes a lot to make me complain.


So you think they should release soon even if the game is buggy and not finished.

Nemesis X

What was it even the devs overlooked that they had to push back as far as 5 months though? That should be the question here.


There's reports of crunch time still happening despite the delay. That really sucks. In hindsight you would think a delay would prevent crunch for the devs, but sometimes it just adds more to it.


Originally posted by Nemesis X
What was it even the devs overlooked that they had to push back as far as 5 months though? That should be the question here.

Bugs and finishing things up.

For a smaller game...sure. But this game is going to be huge and has mile high expectations.

A similar game like Red Dead Redemption 2 had the same delay. It was set to release Fall 2017, pushed back to Spring 2018 and then delayed again until Fall 2018. Game turned out fine.

And if the overlooked something...does it long as the game gets released and its good. The developer is in a interesting situation. Expectations are massive (or even untenable) so the game is going to sell like crazy but if they do not meet those expectations, the public is going to destroy them. So....its not surprising this game gets delayed again.


A ton of Cyberpunk gameplay just leaked LMAO. It's potato quality and on youtube so it won't be up long.

At least the confirms stealth as a viable playstyle (crouching behind chit, directional mic to eavesdrop on farther targets, radar tracking, stealth takedowns, hiding bodies, avoiding cameras, hacking, silenced weapons, environmental takedowns, etc...). Now I just need to see how alerts work. Hopefully its not one of those games where everyone knows where you are the second one douche spots you. There better be some communication.


So much for "leak". It's that same internal demo people have leaking over and over (you saw a few clips of it in that Deep Dive video). Same area. The only thing new is that the gameplay actually showcased some stealth for once.

Nemesis X

Cyberpunk got delayed again. Now it's November it'll be out.



My god, this game looks beautiful.


Yeah that's a poor man's Watch Dogs alright.

With a Zeno Clash combat system.

The thing looks so last gen, I bet the PS3 could play it.


The only thing I care about is whether or not CDPR actually had the balls to let me play a trans woman with a huge uncensored cock dangling in the breeze.


Originally posted by cdtm
Yeah that's a poor man's Watch Dogs alright.

With a Zeno Clash combat system.

The thing looks so last gen, I bet the PS3 could play it.

There's yet another cdtm complaint.


Sure. If by complaint, you mean perfectly valid observation.


Every perfectly valid observation you have about every game is just sh*t talking it.

Nemesis X

The wall running mechanic got removed due to "design reasons" they say. Odd.


Originally posted by KingD19
Every perfectly valid observation you have about every game is just sh*t talking it.

That's pretty much cdtm's shtick on this forum.


Originally posted by Nemesis X
The wall running mechanic got removed due to "design reasons" they say. Odd.

Probably because it didn't work or it was a pain to implement without causing a ton of issues.


Pretty much discribed making the damned game period.


Originally posted by Nemesis X
The wall running mechanic got removed due to "design reasons" they say. Odd.

Probably because if you can wall run, it would bypass a whole lot of options in a lot of scenarios because people could just climb to the objective.


Originally posted by cdtm
Pretty much discribed making the damned game period.


I have been waiting a long time for this game. I hope it delivers, the gameplay looks good.


This is my most anticipated game in awhile.

Of course the last one was No Man's Sky so maybe I should be worried stick out tongue


Just a little over a month out. It's wild. I was still a teenager when this game was announced, and now I'm closing in on 30.

Anyway, for anyone interested, they put out a World of Cyberpunk Lore/art book. It's 200 pages and insanely in-depth background on the cyberpunk world (lore from the tabletop game; this game is also written by Mike Pondsmith who created those). I'm giving it a read now since I'm not really familiar with the setting, and it's been a fun read so far.



Pushed back another 21 days to December 10th.


Yeah, I wonder if it got pushed back because of the crunch backlash.


Doubt it. Probably just means more crunch.


At least it was only to December 10th. Hopefully no more push backs


The press release said something about next-gen. I was under the impression the next-gen upgrade (free!) would be coming out in 2021......

I might just wait until then.

Personally, I'm OK with it being pushed back. I plan on getting the new Assassins Creed game and it's most likely going to be massive so....I don't know if I would had the time to play both.


It won't come out this year.

Nemesis X

Originally posted by Trocity
It won't come out this year.

It's still coming this year, just not next month. Now the new date is December 10th and I'm not sure whether this will decrease or increase the amount of crunch. Hope it's not the latter.


I'm waiting until they release the next gen patch. I'm still going through AC Valhalla and I think I need a break from another crazy big game like that.


Originally posted by Smasandian
I'm waiting until they release the next gen patch. I'm still going through AC Valhalla and I think I need a break from another crazy big game like that.
I passed on Valhalla for that exact reason. Ever since Origins AC has just been a huge open world with nothing but an endless amount of sidequests and tons of open world bloat. It took me forever to even finish Origins and Odyssey because there was just so damn much of the same. So I get it. But the uniqueness of Cyberpunk would've gotten me to purchase it even if I was stuck on Valhalla. That would be what I gave a break.


Meh...I disagree.. All Assassins Creed had the same endless amount of side quests and activities. Try replaying AC3....the biggest game out of all of them with a massive amount of bloat.

I don't find Origins, Odyssey or Valhalla like that....for sure though, it does have a ton of things to do but I always most of them rewarding while previous AC games were rampant with mindless amount of shit to do. That was one of the major criticisms of them.


Originally posted by Smasandian
Meh...I disagree.. All Assassins Creed had the same endless amount of side quests and activities. Try replaying AC3....the biggest game out of all of them with a massive amount of bloat.

I don't find Origins, Odyssey or Valhalla like that....for sure though, it does have a ton of things to do but I always most of them rewarding while previous AC games were rampant with mindless amount of shit to do. That was one of the major criticisms of them. Isn't AC3 the worst mainline game?


AC3 isn't bad. It's just people didn't like Connor being all dark and broody after they got 3 games of Ezio and all his flair and charisma. Also they were mad you played as Haytham for the first few hours and then never again.

It's honestly one of my favorites in the series.


AC3 is by the most boring AC games in the series (thought I haven't played Rogue or Unity)...but it was soo filled with crap.


I think I'd agree that Connor was the least interesting, but the game had a decent story.


I liked the change in scenery....less city, more rural. And I enjoyed the turnaround story element....that was kind of neat.


I enjoyed all of it. One of my favorite parts of the game was building up my settlement and getting to know the people who moved in. I was honestly kinda bummed that after showing that assassins could live normal lives and have lovers and families that Connor just ended up alone. He deserved some actual happiness after all the BS he gets put through over the course of the game. He couldn't even be happy he helped get America established because as soon as he did, he saw a slave getting sold off so its like did any of it even matter?


Reviews are out. So far, it's sitting at a 91. TBH I expected higher, but still stupid hyped and getting it day 1


A lot of major review sites are saying it isn't woke enough and not enough trans representation. I really, honesty feel like some of the lower scores are just spite because people want The Last of Us 2 to be GOTY.


Originally posted by Arachnid1

Reviews are out. So far, it's sitting at a 91. TBH I expected higher, but still stupid hyped and getting it day 1

A lot of outlets are also going out of their way to get mad and drop points because they're complaining about everything they've been complaining about the entire time. SJW's and the like.


You can play a chick with a dick and honestly, that's all I ever wanted from this game. thumb up


Originally posted by NemeBro
You can play a chick with a dick and honestly, that's all I ever wanted from this game. thumb up

Yeah but because CDPR kept the game "binary" in that V and others only refer to V as male/female or him/her and didn't add yet another entire voice track for all the other gender fluid and trans and blah blah associations people give themselves, they're "not inclusive" enough and aren't really "pushing boundaries for lgbtq community". People will find any reason to moan. They'll focus on dumb stuff like that and not the actual story or game play.

I hope I get to play it on the 9th.

Nemesis X

Cyberpunk running the serious risk of giving it's players seizures.



Yikes. That's f***ed.


Originally posted by KingD19
Yeah but because CDPR kept the game "binary" in that V and others only refer to V as male/female or him/her and didn't add yet another entire voice track for all the other gender fluid and trans and blah blah associations people give themselves, they're "not inclusive" enough and aren't really "pushing boundaries for lgbtq community". People will find any reason to moan. They'll focus on dumb stuff like that and not the actual story or game play.

I hope I get to play it on the 9th. None of that would be an issue if they didn't make a big fuss out of offering the ability to play a non-binary character. It doesn't bother me at all, but they should have either been more honest about the amount of representation people are getting, or had a third voice track where people refer to you as "they/them/etc/" as opposed to the more binary dialogue, for the players that actually care.

It doesn't bother me and I think if that's really people's stickler with the game they have kind of unrealistic expectations for a game that explicitly lets you play as a trans person. That's already something I can't think of a single other game doing.

With that said, I'm reasonably sure that quite a bit of the criticisms are an attempt to deliberately harm sales of the game because of CDPR's abuse of their employees.


Originally posted by NemeBro
None of that would be an issue if they didn't make a big fuss out of offering the ability to play a non-binary character. It doesn't bother me at all, but they should have either been more honest about the amount of representation people are getting, or had a third voice track where people refer to you as "they/them/etc/" as opposed to the more binary dialogue, for the players that actually care.

It doesn't bother me and I think if that's really people's stickler with the game they have kind of unrealistic expectations for a game that explicitly lets you play as a trans person. That's already something I can't think of a single other game doing.

With that said, I'm reasonably sure that quite a bit of the criticisms are an attempt to deliberately harm sales of the game because of CDPR's abuse of their employees.


Huh? 😁


I believe the day 1 patch is 50 something GB and should clear up the bugs.


Supposedly they weren't giving out console codes for reviews.

I'm point in playing it when a better version will be coming (aka next gen upgrade) and the game is supposedly brutal with bugs.

And.....well I have a feeling I will enjoy the hell out of it...some of the reviews are not making me giddy on playing it anytime soon.

Also, the seizure is ****ing brutal...if that was true...and I cannot understand why a company would do this...its disgusting.

Nemesis X

Originally posted by Smasandian
Also, the seizure is ****ing brutal...if that was true...and I cannot understand why a company would do this...its disgusting.

Reportedly this happens when you do "braindances" so if anyone here still buys the game regardless, if you come across things like scenes of your character putting on goggles/helmets/whatever headsets, look away immediately.


Originally posted by Smasandian
Supposedly they weren't giving out console codes for reviews.

I'm point in playing it when a better version will be coming (aka next gen upgrade) and the game is supposedly brutal with bugs.

And.....well I have a feeling I will enjoy the hell out of it...some of the reviews are not making me giddy on playing it anytime soon.

Also, the seizure is ****ing brutal...if that was true...and I cannot understand why a company would do this...its disgusting.

Hard to really improve on photorealism.


Originally posted by Nemesis X
Reportedly this happens when you do "braindances" so if anyone here still buys the game regardless, if you come across things like scenes of your character putting on goggles/helmets/whatever headsets, look away immediately.

Supposedly people are like "they have warnings"...but the warning is in the EULA agreement....

Far from Ubisoft having a warning at the start of the game or Microsoft having a ton of disability options.

In reality, if they unintentionally designed a game with graphics that are almost exact replica to how doctors induce seizures...they should really have an option to disable that specific portion.

Like really, what do you loose as a gamer if you do not see this part of the game....


Originally posted by Smasandian
Supposedly they weren't giving out console codes for reviews.

I'm point in playing it when a better version will be coming (aka next gen upgrade) and the game is supposedly brutal with bugs.

And.....well I have a feeling I will enjoy the hell out of it...some of the reviews are not making me giddy on playing it anytime soon.

Also, the seizure is ****ing brutal...if that was true...and I cannot understand why a company would do this...its disgusting.

No need for a general warning. Not like it can cause seizure unless you're susceptible, in which case you'd probably be aware of your condition long before this game.

Sure, is irresponsible not to warn the epileptic.


That's a ridiculous take....most media have warnings when there is something that could cause seizures in people.

Having a gameplay section that is very similiar to how doctors induce them and saying "tough luck" is bullshit. There is no legitimate reason for a crazy rich developers to have this and should be fixed as soon as possible.

But **** people right! Need mah games.


Originally posted by Smasandian
That's a ridiculous take....most media have warnings when there is something that could cause seizures in people.

Having a gameplay section that is very similiar to how doctors induce them and saying "tough luck" is bullshit. There is no legitimate reason for a crazy rich developers to have this and should be fixed as soon as possible.

But **** people right! Need mah games.

I agree.

But you were saying to look away, like just anyone can get a seizure. I wouldn't look away, because I've never had one in my life, and won't suddenly get it now. That isn't how seizure's work, they're a condition a few unfortunates are born with, not something someone gets later in life.


Tbh they put a pretty clear warning in the user agreement you have to sign prior to playing the game. Yeah yeah, no one reads that. Still, anyone who has this as a medical problem should be pretty carefully screening their games. Scanning or control+Fing the agreement seems like a pretty obvious step if you have a an epileptic condition.

Originally posted by KingD19
Yeah but because CDPR kept the game "binary" in that V and others only refer to V as male/female or him/her and didn't add yet another entire voice track for all the other gender fluid and trans and blah blah associations people give themselves, they're "not inclusive" enough and aren't really "pushing boundaries for lgbtq community". People will find any reason to moan. They'll focus on dumb stuff like that and not the actual story or game play.

I hope I get to play it on the 9th. Sir, this is a Wendy's


I find that unacceptable in this's not clear at all considering this was brought up by a reviewer who happened to have a seizure while playing the game.


Originally posted by Smasandian
I find that unacceptable in this's not clear at all considering this was brought up by a reviewer who happened to have a seizure while playing the game. It could definitely be made more redundant with a supplementary message, but the agreement couldn't be more clear. It was stated in multiple ways (one way made specifically to get people to read through/make it easier for a layman). She just didn't bother to look at it.


Haha....whatever. There is even discussion that EULA are not even useful as a legal document.

But of course, you read them right? Just in case?

I find it ridiculous for a company to wash their hands just because they buried in a bullshit document that might even be enforceable and blame it on the user.


Originally posted by Smasandian
Haha....whatever. There is even discussion that EULA are not even useful as a legal document.

But of course, you read them right? Just in case?

I find it ridiculous for a company to wash their hands just because they buried in a bullshit document that might even be enforceable and blame it on the user. No, but like I said: If I suffered from epilepsy, I'd probably at least control+F the document for a standard warning before playing. Games straight up force you go to the bottom of it these days. Hell, it's not even buried. It's the third section down, and I barely have to scroll to hit it. A health condition IS something the user should be more self-aware of. Does every snack/dish that includes peanuts or peanut oil include an allergen warning on the front in giant red letters? Or do they just list it on the back and assume an allergic individual has the know-how/capacity to read through the nutritional label?


Originally posted by Arachnid1
No, but like I said: If I suffered from epilepsy, I'd probably at least control+F the document for a standard warning before playing. Games straight up force you go to the bottom of it these days. Hell, it's not even buried. It's the third section down, and I barely have to scroll to hit it. A health condition IS something the user should be more self-aware of. Does every snack/dish that includes peanuts or peanut oil include an allergen warning on the front in giant red letters? Or do they just list it on the back and assume an allergic individual has the know-how/capacity to read through the nutritional label? Could I send my boots to you? They need a good cleaning.


Nutritional label is a bad comparison. I have played games for years and I never thought about looking at the EULA agreement for health warnings because most companies, if not all..put them in the game itself.


Meh. CDPR was certainly lax by not putting up a more prominent warning, but if you are at risk of epileptic seizures you probably shouldn't be playing video games or at the very least be more wary. Anyway, this kinda stuff happens frequently. Accidents happen. Calling it disgusting seems a bit much.


Why would you stretch the page like this? A thumbnail or link was too complicated?

edit- Fortunately I'm a huge badass, crisis averted.


Started playing at midnight last night, stayed up till 7AM playing. Just got up a hour ago, playing again. Only glitch/bug I've encountered is a car chase sequence where my gun was invisible.

The game is f***ing awesome so far.


Originally posted by NemeBro
Could I send my boots to you? They need a good cleaning. Depends fam. Are you a CDPR or Fromsoft employee?

Originally posted by Trocity
Started playing at midnight last night, stayed up till 7AM playing. Just got up a hour ago, playing again. Only glitch/bug I've encountered is a car chase sequence where my gun was invisible.

The game is f***ing awesome so far. Yep. It is fkn fantastic. I hope I can squeeze 100 hrs out of it.


Anyone see the cringe reviews whining about imagined transphobia?

The Kotaku review was so cringe I don't even know why those folk continue to get sent games for review. SJW's do not deserve to be involved.

F*ck these pieces of shit thumb up


It's funny that this game has been accused of transphobia so much because this game is far more progressive than any other AAA title I can think of in that regard. I don't think any other AAA game lets you create and play as an outright trans character. But for these keyboard warriors at places like Resetera it's never enough. They will always find fault and complain. It's ridiculous.


Man, who cares. The over or under representation of LGBTQ is the absolute least of this game's problems.

Runs like absolute shit on PC. Buggy as hell. Makes Bethesda games look good.

They nailed the atmosphere though. The first hour of the game on Street Kid origin didn't grip me but once I remade my character as a Corpo mommy my entire perspective on the game's aesthetic changed. I went from feeling like I was just playing GTA to feeling like Adam Jensen.


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